Pollutant feeding air anemone idea
This image is a kinetic sculpture by Anthony Howe. The idea behind the sculptures movement and my anemone "theoretical" invention would...
Why are bees disappearing???
Hello my fellow readers! It has been quite a while since my last post. I apologize for not posting more in the last few weeks. Graduation...
Penumbral lunar eclipse, 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Padjdusakova Comet
Keep your eye in the sky tonight and tomorrow morning as there will be two fascinating phenomena occurring. There will be a penumbral...
Earths temperature changes
Atmospheric Temperature; over the course of time the core of the earth is generally the same temperature, however as time progresses the...
VESSS working toward NASA
I was accepted to the VESSS program and will be working on it until the end of April. I will be posting different science papers that i...
VESSS first APA paper (mission)
Here is what I am currently working on in my VESSS course. Click the button to see some of the cool missions that are current, past and...