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How to maintain your health in college

Your body is the vessel you are going to be living in the rest of your life so treat it well. Your body takes you big places, don't hurt it or destroy it doing crazy things, or binge-ing anything from TV to food to socializing, moderation is key!

What I found to be the most helpful in maintaining my health in college was keeping bad things out of sight. For example I didn't bring any food, into my room unless it was fruit or a snack during finals to keep studying for a long time. By not bringing a lot of food into my room I kept myself from doing what most college students do and overeating and gain the freshman 15, little fact I actually lost weight during my freshman year from not storing food in my room and walking around so much.

Dining halls are a good thing! Even though the food isn't always top notch, it is a good thing, it gets you out of your room around people. If you store food in your room, you can be a couch potato, you don't have to leave your room all day if you don't want to, this is not good! You are a human being you need to get out side and see people and eat good food.

Now dinning halls can also in some cases be kind of wack, a lot of freshman guys I know would live on the dinning halls pizza and cereal, and only drink chocolate milk every day and eat ice cream all the time, so don't do that either. One guy I know would make a 1.5 ft ice cream cone and eat it, other guys would get water bottles and store chocolate milk in their rooms and live off it like it was water. Kind of insane.

You walk a lot in college, probably at least 3-4 miles a day if you are taking a full schedule of in class courses. This is great for you! Its nice to get fresh air between classes. Exercising is good for you, don't be lazy, you have so many free opportunities, take advantage of them. Go to the campus fairs, you;ll be surprised by how many free things that are available for you to utilize. Free computer programs, free extracurricular activities, free work out facilities, and so many more. Follow your schools social media pages for info and updates on different things that your school might offer like exercise classes, mentor programs, counseling, health clinics, etc. Also look at flyers, these are many times overlooked now a days with social media being a prime in sharing info, but you'd be supprised at the neat things you can find on flyer boards.

Stretch your body, don't be a potato! get up and move around, You need to keep your self strong and flexible, in college you have control over your schedule and your body, you have the choice for pretty much everything you do, so make some choices you will thank your self for later. By stretching you are keeping your facia agile and movable, if you stretch your body everyday when you are 80 you will still be able to walk upright and walk around like you are a young person.

What is facia? well it is the dense fibrous connective tissue that interpenetrates and surrounds the muscles, bones, nerves and blood vessels of your body so by stretching it you are keeping your body so that you can move fluidly without constraint.

Take care of your skin, you again have the choice on how you treat your skin. You are almost 20 you should be able to maintain your skin much better than you did when you were 14. make a routine for your self wash your face, it is many times the first thing people see and first impressions are important. Do your research on your skin type, look up things like Chinese face maps to see why different areas of your face are reacting the way they are and do something about it.

Eat healthy this many times make a lot of difference, some times dairy, carbs and sugars make your face freak out so try to cut some of these out, or simply eat them in moderation. Don't use dirty facial tools, keep in mind what you are putting on your face, don't use dirty brushes or wash cloths and don't over exfoliate your skin, many times the best thing you can do for your self if not exfoliate at all, let your skin heal. Think about when you get a cut and leave it alone, it heals much faster right, same thing with your face, just leave it alone. Don't touch your face during the day, if you a big face touch-er, start paying attention to where you are touching your face this is many times where you'll find problems, so stop touching your face!

Do your laundry, you don't want to run out of clean laundry before you desire to do your laundry... people, that's just gross. I know so many guys that have 2 big bags full of dirty clothes and they don't do their laundry until they don't have any clean socks left, don't let this be you, I mean who really wants to smell that!

Keep your bed space clean, after a long day the last thing you want is to come home to a dirty room and unmade bed. when you wake up make your bed, this admiral said if you want to be successful start by completing one thing first thing in the morning make your bed. This is a really great habit to have. Plus it makes your living space look better and your roomie won't have to see your unmade bed l And make sure and wash your bedding, dirty bedding can cause skin irritation and may even cause breakouts, wash your bedding frequently.

Get a water bottle and drink lots of water, I found I drank more water when I had a water bottle. At the beginning of the year each resident was given a water bottle, and i used it until it was wrecked, and I got a new one. What I found was 8 oz wasn't enough I would run out in the middle of the night and I didn't want to leave my room and walk down the hall at 3 AM to fill it up so I got a 16 oz and boy oh boy is it nice. Make it something fun, decorate it with your favorite stickers.

Socialize, but keep it in moderation. Take breaks from studying, go and see people. You are alive and a human being you need to have human interaction. Sometimes it might be kind of hard to get out of your comfort zone but it will be beneficial for you, you will build a network of people that you can ask questions and ask for help when you need it.

there are some tips and tricks on how to maintain your health in college. Let me know if you have any suggestions, send me a message in the contact section if you do!!

Until next time, AmeAmor signing off!


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