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The east coast is known for its intense work ethic, this is the place of careers. People from all around the world come here to work and live an excellent life. The rumors of this story are true! upon arriving here you can see the slow moving southerner and the fast paced city worker. The city and it people provide a sense of livelihood you see the hard working dreamer (doer) at work and while enjoying the cities views you catch a glimpse of the tourist. .Tourists are not that hard to spot, usually with a draw string back pack a pair of sneakers and a big camera with a group that tend to look very similar to what I just described. This being said do your best not to look like one otherwise you make your self a target for the unwanted theft and "mugging".

Walking the streets you have to have a keen eye for the best things and the worst things in which you can encounter. there are many beautiful places around the city, however one street to far the wrong direction and you can find your self in the wrong place, at the wrong time. Stay close to the priceless art work and you can be pretty sure that you will be safe, since the guards are not going to let that priceless piece of art get hurt non the less stolen. So your best bet is to stay where the money is. Many times the money is where the tourist will be, like the places where monuments or popular viewing sites are.

It may take a while to find out how exactly things work out here, but give it a few months and you're sure to figure it out. The roads can be insane so do your research and be wary of where you are going, one wrong turn or exit and you'll be sent in the opposite direction than where you were originally trying to go. Keep an eye out for the type of people you are surrounded by, you are usually an average of the group you are surrounded by, so if they are not the people you want to be around do your best to get away towards a safer place/ group. This being said, don't travel with inexperienced explorers, they can be careless and ignorant on safety precautions putting not only them selves but you and your group in harms way..

Use city websites to find fun things to do, many people only know of a few things to do once you get to the city. But if you do some research it is easy to find numerous things to do during a week day or during the weekend that are free or cost a little bit of money.

Figure out parking, parking is INSANE in the city, if you don't have to drive take the metro or subway it is a must easier and faster way of transporting your self places. Maps aren't to hard to follow just make sure you are going the direction you want keep the last stop in mind so you know which way to go and stay on the right color train. If you do have to park look up parking in hotels or public parking areas, also look up parking rules, for places like DC you can only park on the street for 2 hours and even if you move your vehicle to the other side of the street you are still in the same parking zone so you're in trouble.

more tips and tricks coming soon.


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