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Earths temperature changes

Atmospheric Temperature; over the course of time the core of the earth is generally the same temperature, however as time progresses the northern most pole and southern most pole gradually become warmer. The northern most pole is warmer than the southernmost pole during many of the years. This gradual change is shown in the diagrams through the color spectrum of blue to yellow, the north and south pole are usually a light blue and gradually a darker blue then white, however as the years progress the north and south pole, primarily the north, become more white (white is the middle of the heat spectrum).

Cloud Coverage; there is a low amount of cloud coverage consistently over the Middle East, and there is low to no cloud coverage over Australia as well as the South Pacific Ocean and southern Africa. The United States has low and medium levels of cloud coverage. All of these observations are being made my using a color scale from dark blue, no cloud coverage, to white, which is full cloud coverage, the areas mentioned above have light blue to dark blue shading making the cloud coverage little to none.

Precipitation is generally towards the center of the earth and follows a straight path around the equator. The levels of precipitation toward the south gradually decrease over time. In the diagram the dark blue which signifies heavy precipitation is generally focused toward the equator of earth, down in the southern part of the earth the precipitation levels are gradually changing from a light blue color to a white which is right in the middle of the spectrum of heavy precipitation and little to no precipitation.

The factors that affect the type of annual climate areas experiences are the hot and cold climates in correlation with the poles and the equator, the equator is the hottest climate year round, while the north and south poles are the coldest year round.

Another factor that affects the type of annual climate areas experience is the topography of the region, areas that are closer to sea level tend to have more wind this can be explained through the elevation and how areas with higher elevations like mountainous regions act as wind barriers. For example of the cloud coverage map areas that constantly have little to no cloud coverage such as the south pacific, and Australia are at sea level or relatively close to sea level

Another factor that affects the type of annual climate areas experience is the surface of the earth in that region. In different areas of the earth the surface reflects more sunlight which influences how much the atmosphere is heated. Snow and ice covered regions such as the North and South Pole, tend to have high radiation reflection. Highly vegetated areas such as South America

Moderate heat temperatures (red to orange on the heat scale) on the map produce more green on the leaf index which indicates more leaves in the region. For example in July 2006 heat migrates more north from the equator and in correlation with this the leaves in that region increase.

Hotter regions (yellow on the heat color scale) tend to have less cloud cover on particular land masses such as Australia, and the middle eastern and norther Africa.

Atmosphere has a relationship with the biosphere in that the atmosphere provides water (rain) which helps life forms such as plants to sustain life.

Biosphere has a relationship with the atmosphere in that life forms produce different gases that go up into the atmosphere some of these gasses cause processes like the greenhouse effect.

Cryosphere has a relationship to the atmosphere in that when the cryosphere is heated the water evaporates and is put into the atmosphere, when the evaporated water condenses it rains and falls back into the cryosphere.

The driving force between these spheres is the cycles within them. All of the cycles of the spheres include more than one sphere, for example the atmospheres relationship with the biosphere has to do with the production of air pollutants, greenhouse gases and absorption and reflection of energy on the surface of the earth, this is a step in the process of the biosphere. All of these cycles have a step that is within the process of another sphere within the earth.

From the year 2000 to 2006 the equator of the earth tends to have the most consistent temperature, precipitation, wind, cloud coverage, and cryosphere consistency. However as the years progress moving from the equator toward the poles the north pole in increasingly getting warmer from the equator to the northern most pole.


Results for the cryosphere are generally consistent except for the poles, specifically the North Pole; the ice is melting as time progresses this is shown in the graphs through color change.

Biosphere leaf index is fairly constant however in the northern part of the equator region, not the North Pole, the leaf index fluctuates ever so many months. The leaf index increases then decreases dramatically, this is primarily due seasonal changes.

Precipitation is consistent in the region of the equator; the South Pole is fairly consistent however precipitation does increase during specific months each year (April), as well as decrease during specific months each year (January, October).

Cloud coverage is fairly consistent in the Middle East and North African regions; however regions like Australia vary as well as North American regions; cloud coverage in these regions is low during April, and July, and is slightly increased during October, and January.

Atmospheric temperature is consistent in the equator region; however the poles temperatures vary as time progresses as well as during seasonal changes throughout the year. For example the north poles temperature increases during the summer months (July), and goes back to a cold state during fall and winter months (October - January) and as April and the summer months approach the weather in the poles increase.

Cloud coverage and temperature changes relate to earths energy budget since they directly correlate to the earth’s energy budget, in that over the years increased amounts of pollutants and CO2 have been accumulating within the atmosphere causing the greenhouse effect to increase.

Increasing or decreasing values of one parameter could completely alter the earth’s energy budget, for example if cloud cover increased then the earths atmospheric temperature would decrease, and if the opposite occurred the earths atmospheric temperature would increasingly get warmer. All of the current values of the parameters examined in the previous questions interact with one another and affect one another if one is changed.

The radiation budget is vital to the earths system in that if it does not maintain a suitable equilibrium of temperature in the earth, life as we know it would not be able to survive. If more energy is put in the energy budget the equilibrium

of the earths temperatures would increase which in turn would make earth’s climate hotter, causing many life forms to die especially in aquatic environments. If less energy is put into the energy budget the equilibrium of the earth’s climate would decrease which would make the earth cooler which would also kill life forms due to not having a suitable living environment from being too cold.

Radiation is not evenly distributed over planet earth. Radiation emission varies depending on earth’s surface. Different surfaces reflect and absorb energy, therefore since the earth is comprised of several different types of surfaces (vegetation on land, sand, ice, snow, water, rock, etc.) different amounts of radiation are absorbed and reflected depending on the region which radiation energy is being emitted, therefore radiation is not evenly distributed. Temperatures of objects also affect the amount of radiation that is emitted, “Cold objects emit less energy; warm objects emit more”.

The atmosphere and hydrosphere are most affected by earth’s radiation budget. The atmosphere is affected in that radiation is reflected back to space from the particles present within the atmosphere or absorbed by the atmospheres particles. The hydrosphere is affected in that it absorbs energy which in turn increases its temperature which can cause different life forms to die as well as cause evaporation of the water.

Earth’s radiation budgets constancy and equilibrium is vital because without it earth’s temperature would be inadequate for the sustainability of life. For example if we look at a leaf index, as temperatures decrease the leaf index drops, this goes to show that with decreasing temperatures life’s sustainability begins to decrease so if the earths radiation budget creates a drastic change in temperature in either or direction then life will perish.

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