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Module 2 VESSS

Here are the requirements for the Module 2 APA paper

Essential Question: Why is Earth considered the "Goldilocks Planet?" Compare and contrast the Earth's formation and evolution to that of Jupiter, the largest of the Jovian planets.

  • Points to include your discussion:

  • Solar nebular theory- How did the planets form differently, and why?

  • Internal structure- Earth vs Jupiter

  • Density- Why do the planets densities differ?

  • Atmospheric composition- What is each planet's atmosphere composed of? Are they similar? Different? Be specific.

  • The presence of water- We know the Earth has water. Does Jupiter have water?

  • Location of our star, the Sun- What effect did the sun have on the evolution of the Earth? Jupiter?

  • Carbon- Do these planets have carbon? Why is this element important?

  • Explain the concept of the "Goldilocks" planet and how it relates to NASA’s

  • The other assignment in this module is as follows

Part I. Your job is to check if the Law of Harmonies can correctly predict the occurrence of planetary bodies around extra solar star systems! Using the values below and Kepler’s Law of Harmonies, fill in the Kepler Data Sheet showing the orbital period, mean orbital distance, and T2/R3 values for each of the exoplanets orbiting the Kepler 11 star.

  • 1 AU= 1.4957 1011 m 1 Earth Year = 3.156 X 107 sec 1 day = 86400 sec

T= Period in Seconds R= Radius in meters

  • (Note: since there is no standard year value of “1” established for any planet of Kepler 11, your T2/R3 values will not come out as perfect 1.00 ratios. Use the transit number of days as your time “T” variable)

  • Part II. Answer the following questions:1. Do the planets of Kepler 11 match the pattern of T2/R3? Support your answer.2. What might this imply about Kepler 11’s planetary system? Support your answer.3. Finally, what might this tell us about other possible undiscovered planets in the Kepler 11 system? Support your answer.Kepler Mission

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