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Rome, the Vatican and all of its wonders (Italy)

Since we only had the pleasure of spending one day in Rome we decided to hit all of the things that it is most famous for. Our first stop was the Vatican. Since we arrived so early we sat in front of the Vatican and watched the sunlight gradually hit the beautiful face of the Vatican. We watched several hundred people go into the Vatican there were pilgrimages from all around the globe that went to be in the Vatican. We went and had breakfast in the museum (the image above shows the view from where we were sitting)

We then went and got an audio tour and roamed around the museum for six hours. During our roaming, we went to the Sistine chapel (another dream taken off the dream board). I was amazed! The story of the paintings and the placement of each fresco was wonderful. down the middle of the ceiling is the creation of man and the fall of man. then on the sides are major sins that man commits and beside each sin are saints that are watching mankind sin. On the walls at the end of the chapel are big Fresco's of mankind. It took Micheal Angelo over 4 years to complete the entire chapel. One of the popes commissioned Micheal Angelo to create the fresco in the Vatican for his leisure.

After seeing this magnificent work of art we explored the Vatican a bit more then went to find the tour bus and a place to buy souvenirs. We bought some things at a shop; near the front of the Vatican, then went to the place where we bought our tour bus tickets. We walked to the tour bus stop ways away near a castle and went to the top of the bus and of see the ancient architecture from biblical times. We saw so many amazing things, the day then came to an end and we took a cab back to the bus station and off to the next place.

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