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Stories about my travels across Europe (Paris, France)

A walk about Paris will provide lessons in history, beauty, and in the point of Life. -Thomas Jefferson

Paris was absolutely beautiful, out of the many different cities that I have had the pleasure and privilege of visiting over the years it is definitely among the top of my list in most likely to visit more than once. During our first day in Paris we spent most of our time in the Louvre, we nearly saw the whole thing in a span of eight hours. We started off the day very early, we arrived at around 05:30, and since it was a new city and it was still quite dark we stayed in the station until it got a bit lighter then we ventured out to Notre Dame.

We walked along the Seine as the sun rose, it was quite lovely. As we approached Notre Dame I was overwhelmed by its beauty. My sister and I stood along the Seine for 20 minutes and awed at its miraculous beauty. we then crossed the bridge to Notre Dame and went in. It was a beautiful sight, so beautiful that it brought tears to my eyes. Esprit and I walked around and took loads of pictures then we sat in the prayer section of the cathedral and prayed. I prayed that God would help me to see the world like the church, as a place where we give everything to honor him and praise him in everything that we do. Not long after we left the cathedral we ran into some trouble.

When we left the cathedral and were only two blocks away from the Louvre I was ambushed by a group of gypsies. Luckily my sister didn't get pickpocketed, but unfortunately, I did. they stole my phone (with most of my pictures from London). We tried to get it back, I argued with thegypsies in French for about 5 minutes until a sweet man( he must have been an angel) told me to just leave it alone and that they were dangerous. I tried to go after them again then the man told my sister that it was very dangerous and to go and get me, she did. we then called my parents and they also told us to leave it and get to a safe place. We went to the Louvre, spoke to security and told them what happened they allowed us to bypass the line of over 200 people to go through security and to get to the security inside in order to call the police station.

We stayed in the Louvre since we thought this would be the safest thing to do. It was absolutely fantastic . I saw so many amazing works of art, I was glad that I was able to spend a whole day in the Louvre, it was a dream that I am now able to take off of my dream board.

During our next day in Paris we went to a internet cafe and printed out our tour bus tickets, then went to Notre Dame and waited until we saw the tour bus. We decided to stay on the bus for 6 drives through the city since we got to see everything from such a great perspective from the top of the bus. It was quite cold the second time we went to Paris, and we were tiered from the rest of our journy so staying on the bus was a marvelous way to relax and see all of the wonders of Paris from a safe point of view.

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