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Cathedrals, Fashion, feet (Glasgow)

Monday morning we left the room at 05:30 in order to arrive at the bus station in time for us to take the bus to Glasgow at 06:35. Glasgow is one of the main cities in Scotland, it is three hours away from Aberdeen by bus. The bus was acting funny on the way, when we would stop the engine would stop and the driver couldn't restart it, this happened over and over again until finally it finally started.

When we first got to Glasgow, we walked down a stree that was full of shops (Forever 21, H&M,Restaurants, etc.) We then went to George Square (image in post) and ate. We then went to Forever 21 because it looked amazing! We stayed in the 4 story F21 for about an hour, and I bought a hat because my ears were getting cold while we were walking.

We passed the Modern Art Museum and decided that we should go in, we looked at all of the art( it was quite boring, modern art is not really my thing). We bought some souvenirs in the gift shop and then off to the next place.

We went to the Blue Box(TARDIS, Dr. Who) and got hot chocolate and from there we walked to the Glasgow Cathedral and awed at it for a while and then went up to the grave yard (Necropolis) and took pictures. After this we walked back to F21 and bought another hat because Esprit liked the one I bought so we bought another one. we then walked back up the street with all of the shops and Esprit thought that we might be able to the light house so we walked back down (by this time both of our feet were killing us) When we got to the bottom of the hill we decided that it wasn't worth it, and we didn't have enough time, so we walked back up the big hill to the bus station.

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