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Castles and calories (Stone Haven, Dunattor Castle)

On Saturday morning, Esprit took me to Stone Haven (a small town near the coast, with a historic castle). We left pretty early in the morning, but yet we still left late to reach the train in time. We walked as fast as possible, it would take up just about 37 minutes to walk to the train, but we wouldn't arrive in time so walked as far as we could, with only 12 minutes until the train departed and quite a distance to go, we called a cab, and the cab saved the day. We made it to the train and when we were on there was only two minutes until it left (lucky). The weather was quite terrible when we left, it was raining, cold, foggy, and cloudy, not the best day to go on a long walk ay? but we did. So 20 minutes later we arrive in Stone Haven and begin our walk through the small

neighborhood, again the weather was terrible. So we walked down to the town and saw all of the shops that we would be eating at once we got back from Dunnattor Castle.

The walk to the castle was 2.5 miles, it was windy, cold, hilly, and overall very beautiful. The hills were quite large and overall tiring, but once you reach the top of one hill you can see the nest hill you have to climb and the view of all of the things that you just walked past which was quite a reward. (photos of the walk in photo section of website) The walk took us quite a while due to all of the time that we spend taking pictures and trying to keep warm, and keep our hoods on during the harsh wind blows. We saw a few people walking back from the castle (which gave us hope, that we would survive the treacherous weather, haha ) by the time that we were 75% of the way there the weather was much better (Much to our surprise) we walked down the large muddy, slippery hill to the beach near the cliff of the castle and collected seashells and took pictures, then we climbed up the stairs and went to the other side of the trench to see the view of the ocean and the castle. We awed at all of Dunnattor wonders for quite some time and took probably hundreds of photographs. Then we took the easy way back to Stone haven by walking on the small road that was about a half mile away from where we had originally walked.

When we got back to the town we bought a deep fried mars bar, since it was supposed to have been created in Stone Haven, then we walked to "The Bay" and bought some fish and chips like tourists lol, and ate up all of our calories for the day. ( I don't thing that I have ever eaten so much fried food in one day, but it was an experience). when we were done, since seagulls are quite evil and known to steal one's food, we ate our food just a few steps away from the beach in order to not have our food

stollen by the notorious seagull. We then sat near the water on a concrete barrier and watched the waves roll in for about an hour, then we started to walk back to the train station. we missed the first train because we didn't get there in time than 45 minutes later we missed the second train (because Esprit listened to me, and I thought that it wasn't the right train) then we then we waited for another hour and made it onto the third train (finally). And walked home from the train station in Aberdeen.

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