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Busy last week prep

With only 4 days to go until take off, life has been moving faster and faster... I got a new phone about 4 days ago since mine was ancient and outdated. (Galaxy S7) the camera is amazing!! so excited to take pictures with it. And today I went to the bank and got my international travel consent forms notarized (since I am still 17) and I told the bank where I would be in EU and the UK for the next 44 days so that they wouldn't shut of my debt card. And now I am working on finishing up my papers for my college class.

I am pretty much all packed, but I am most likely going to pack again to make sure that I have every thing that I need. So So excited for Monday!!! Sunday morning I am planning on going on a hike with some friends at 6 AM just because its going to be my last day here and why not spend it with some awesome friends.

more updates on leaving on Monday coming soon.


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